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What is on page search engine optimization?

What are the key elements for SEO on-page


What's on-page SEO?


SEO refers to Search engine optimization. SEO is the process of making a website search engine friendly. It is about helping your business gain prominence in the web world.

Digital marketers include several SEO tactics to succeed. It forms an integral part of the digital campaign. All actions taken to optimize a page's elements constitutes on-page SEO. However, the matter is not as simple as it sounds. On-page SEO is relies heavily on content optimization. The use of the correct words is key. The SEO specialist also needs to know how to apply to correct keyword linking strategy.

On-page SEO to more than just controlling the website elements. It works alongside technical SEO and off-page SEO. The three trio create a well optimized website ready to be ranked on Google's SERPs. SERP is term that refers to the Search engine results page.


SEO may seem easy for non specialists. But if you are working in the field, you know that is a sensitive area in digital marketing. In SEO there's practices that referred to as Black hat practices. These are the strategies Google penalized the websites on. Most common ones include using false backlink anchors and keyword stuffing. Obviously, there's plenty tactics a well specialized SEO must not do. Google penalties usually include a time-out of the website or a complete banning. Any mistake can be costly.


Therefore, only an expert digital marketing agency in UAE can handle the task efficiently. They have the necessary expertise to execute SEO projects successfully.


So What does on-page SEO help with?


The practice of optimizing web pages is done to improve a website’s search ranking. Also to drive more traffic, explains the expert of the best SEO agency in Dubai. However, it goes much beyond uploading relevant and high-quality content. 


Optimizing elements enhance the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of the website. The elements include:

  • Headlines
  • keywords
  • HTML tags
  • Meta tags

This helps enhance the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of the website. All of which is a part of an on-page SEO strategy.

On-page SEO not only improves website performance but also makes websites friendlier to search engines. The friendlier it is , the better crawling and indexing will be. An improved indexation allows the search engines to better understand the website quality and its content which can improve search rankings.


Improving the user experience is also the objective of on-page SEO. On-page must  encourage  more engagement and visitors to spend a longer time on the website.


Factors that impact on-page SEO

  • Mobile friendliness
  • Core Web vitals
  • Page speed
  • Title tags
  • Content quality
  • HTML headers
  • Image Alt text
  • Internal linking
  • Navigation

What does each factor mean?


Core web vitals :Core web vitals is the newest Google ranking factor. It consists of real-world metrics that help to assign a number to user experience. Companies that provide online marketing services Dubai will measure various elements.

They will check:

  • Visual stability
  • Interactivity
  • Load time represented by Cumulative Layout Shift
  • First input delay
  • Largest Contentful Paint.

Mobile-friendliness: Mobile friendliness relates to a site's performance when accessed from mobile devices. Mobile-friendly web design or responsive design allows viewing and navigating websites on mobile devices with the same ease as those navigating websites on PCs. The design improves page loading times and user engagement. 


Page speed:Page speed or page loading time is crucial for improving ranking. It is one of the ranking factors in the Google algorithm. Pages that rank higher in Google search results have fast loading times and improved indexing that can push up the ranking. Compressing images, JavaScript files, and caching could be the starting points to improve page speed.


Content quality : Content is King and occupies the top spot in on-page SEO activities. Search engines evaluate the quality of content to ascertain the website quality by considering the usefulness of the content, ease of reading, relevance, and uniqueness. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the content is unique, relevant, and useful for the audience who can derive some value from it. Unless the content qualifies on these factors, the chances of earning high ranks would decrease.


Meta descriptions: Meta descriptions summarize the web page so that viewers and search engines can quickly understand what the web page is about. Google looks at Meta descriptions to judge the relevance of any webpage concerning a query, and it encourages viewers to click on the page.


Title tags :Title tags of HTML tags or page titles define the characteristic of the page and bear enough hints about the content. Google relies on the keywords in the title. It helps determine the relevance of the page against a search query to decide whether the page is related to the topic.


HTML headers :Also known as HTML tags, the headers specify headlines and subheadings in the content of a web page. Viewers can better understand the content by looking at the header and subheadings to decide whether to consume it or not.


Image Alt Text : Alt text is an element within the image's HTML tag that briefly describes the image. Alt text helps to understand what the image Is about in the event the image fails to load on the page.


Internal linking : Creating links between different web pages allows visitors to find related content with extra context or background. Internal linking also improves a website’s SEO by helping search engines find new content.


Navigation :Intuitive navigation ensures that users can access all types of content they are searching for without any confusion and in a logical manner.


A combination of different tactics is included in on-page SEO. Starting from optimizing headers, meta descriptions, and title tags, writing in-depth, comprehensive content, cleaning up the website codes, streaming the navigational features, and improving website speed, on-page SEO actions help improve the visibility of the website on the search results.



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