Facebook Advertising

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Facebook advertising agency in Dubai

Facebook advertising is becomimg more and more crucial. Currently, there are around 9 million Facebook users in the UAE alone. This is almost the whole population. These users include people from different age and gender groups. Facebook advertising is considered to be one of the most important social media targeting plan.
As a matter of fact , any business that is online needs to consider it in the digital marketing strategy. Facebook advertising requires the use of Facebook which is one of the main channels for reaching out to its customers. Social ads allow a business to reach out to its target audience in a cost-effective manner. Facebook is the most popular place for advertising.
1.79 billion users visit Facebook every day, and one can imagine the business potential of reaching out to them through advertisements. According to Facebook reports, 2.14 billion people can be reached through ads and growing continuously. Facebook ads work, and it is found, a user clicks on an average of 12 ads in a month. Moreover, it is the most effective social media platform for B2C and B2B companies with a decent ROI.

Facebook Targetting options:

  • Demography: You can choose your target audience based on several category groups: age, gender, education..
  • Location
  • Income
  • Devices: Mobile or desktop users
  • Life Events: Birthdays, Graduation, Engagements..
  • Educational knowledge: You can target people based on the degree level they have obtained
  • Online active shoppers on Facebook
  • User behavior based on a specific period in the buyer journey phase

Facebook advertising campaign objectives :

Knowing which objective you are aimimg to achieve before launching any ads campaign is needed. Here are the typical advertising objectives you can aim for:

  • Brand awareness: This is all about the reach and awareness of your brand
  • Brand consideration: In here your goal is to tarhet consumers that are in the consideration process in the sales funnel. Objectives could be installing your app or messaging you. Examples also include page engagement like liking and commenting on a post
  • Brand conversion

An ultimate business objective is to gain customers, grow and maximize profit. Marketing efforts of businesses are always towards lead generation, engaging with potential customers, increasing brand awareness. So, when you have your audience already on Facebook and who are known to spend an average of 40 minutes per day, then why should you go somewhere else. A professional Facebook ads agency knows this is the platform where the customers are, utilizing this channel for maximum returns. Coming to UAE specifically, the entire population is using Facebook nowadays. If your business is in Dubai, it is an excellent opportunity for you to take advantage of this platform by creating your presence using a Facebook Marketing Agency in Dubai.

What are the Facebook ads campaign types?

  • Catalog: You can create a collection of items also called products catalog. This is when you want to show your customers certain products where you want to focus on selling. 
  • Single image: This is when you want to create a high visually appealing ad for a specific service you provide or the whole website. Your goal here could be increasing visits to your site
  • Offers: This is when you promote the current promotions and offers on your products or services
  • The instant experience: This more targetted for mobile users. The ads are shown in full screen on your users mobiles

At our creative digital marketing agency in dubai, we provide you with a consultation on what you need and what's best for you. There's also more campaign types you can decide from such as slideshows or carousels.


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Custom designed developed

The web is more than just building a website these days. You can find a lot of brick ‘n mortar companies that will offer you a website for peanuts but that will be just a website.

Image Ads

With Facebook image ads, one can use multiple images in a single ad. Using stunning visuals on your website, including landing pages, can drive quality traffic.

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Facebook Collection Ads

customized ads are suitable for eCommerce websites where products can be displayed individually.

Facebook Carousel Ads

simultaneous display of multiple images and a video is ideal for eCommerce and restaurant business – showcasing as many food items or products on a single page.

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Facebook SlideShow Ads

Slideshows keep viewers riveted to an exciting brand story. These ads are extremely popular with users. Facebook Canvas Ads allows people to switch to a full-screen mobile viewing from clicking on your ads.

Sweven Services is the Best Facebook Marketing Agency in Dubai as per the numerous testimonials of their satisfied clientele. We use some of the best Facebook marketing tools to reach out to the target audience interested in the company, products, and services offered. With our enhanced Digital Marketing Services, we focus on audiences based on their sex, age, interests, demography, and other key metrics that align well with a client’s business.

Apart from advertising on Facebook, we help you to set up your FB business Page.

The Facebook business page constantly acts as a marketing tool as it shares blogs, videos, links from the official business website. This allows the audience on the Facebook Platform to share your content and offerings allowing wider reach. We help you optimize your brand reach by managing your Facebook Business Page and engaging with the audience.

As a professional Facebook advertising agency, our approach is to attract the audience's attention with our digital marketing and Facebook marketing campaigns, keep them engaged and finally convert them into customers.

As a leading provider of Facebook advertising services, Sweven Services can help with the following types of creative and effective Facebook Ads.


We provide the following comprehensive services in your advertising campaign.

Planning and executing advertising campaigns. · Create stunning graphics, quality video content in Multilingual languages. · Undertake end-to-end process for setting up ads on Facebook. · Build a sizable audience relevant to the business · Use the latest technology for ads, including AI-backed messenger bots · Perform A/B Test to see what works best for your company · Using SEO tools including high performing keywords to engage with your audience and help in high search rankings · Monitor, analyze, and provide monthly performance reports We, at Sweven Services, are a one-stop-shop as far as elevating your brand on Facebook is concerned. If you want a customized package according to your budget, we would be happy to help. Contact Sweven Services

We also offer Advanced targetting options:

As a full-service digital agency in dubai we offer you aswell advanced Facebook ads targetting options. This includes

  • Custom Audience: What differencitates this option from the basic targetting options is the exact targetting. This means that when opting with this choice you can choose to display ads from specific people you want to target. These could be loyal or returning customers for your brand. All we you need to do is give us the list of the contact information (it should include names and emails) and let us do the magic for you. Another option would be to target people who recently visited or engaged in an activity on your website. We can make that happen ! The only thing you need to be aware of if that these people need to have a presence on Facebook.
  • Video targetting to induce mobile app downloads. A video content is known to be the most effective one to encourage your clients to download your application. If your goal is to introducte visitors/ users to your newly developped mobile application, we can launch a video targetting campaign for that.
  • Retargetting on Facebook



SWEVEN SERVICES is a facebook and google ads agency in dubai. We provide all types of digital marketing services to help you achieve your goals and objectives. 


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