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What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO is a part of an SEO strategy to help index and rank a website's webpages on Google


What's technical SEO?


Search engines look at websites in totality, meaning that the focus is not only on the website content  but also on other factors like speed , redirections and core web vitals. These two are part of what we call technical  SEO. Technical SEO includes SEO optimization for the website that is on the technical side. 


Technical optimizations impact search rankings by helping search engine bots crawl and index websites more effectively. Organizations implementing SEO must choose the best SEO agency in Dubai to do complete justice to their efforts in excelling with technical SEO. 


Doing technical SEO accurately is extremely important for websites as it makes them easily identifiable by search engines. This helps earn ranks in search results. 


Although the basics of technical SEO are easy to grasp, the complexity increases as you delve deeper into the subject. The trained professionals of any digital marketing services company in Dubai can implement technical SEO effectively. Any company that provides online marketing services and web design services dubai knows well that all activities of technical SEO revolve around crawling and indexing, but there are other factors too. 


The importance of technical SEO

Upholding websites in the best light to gain the attention of search engines requires the strong support of technical SEO consultants that contributes to improving website performance concerning search engines. 

 Creating the best website and superior content can attract visitors only when the website becomes easily visible against search queries. To ensure that search engines select your website against specific search queries, you must make your website highly search-engine friendly. 


The technical aspects of the website should be strong and search engine oriented so that it would always be under the focus of search engines that can easily crawl the website for indexing.Since proper indexing is responsible for improving search rankings, it underlines the importance of technical SEO. 


The approach to technical SEO begins with the website

Having a proper understanding of Technical SEO is essential to develop a strategy to ensure that all technical things associated with a website fall in place. 


Technical SEO begins with setting up your website, which includes purchasing a domain name and linking it to an IP address. The other aspects of technical SEO are URL structure which provides crucial information about the web page, and breadcrumb navigation which facilitates users' return to a previous page. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are the other technical SEO aspects that provide completeness to websites and make them attractive to users.  


 Focus on crawling, indexing, and rendering

Crawling - Crawling means the method of browsing websites by search engine bots. It follows a similar pattern of humans browsing websites. As you would view multiple pages of websites with the help of breadcrumb navigation, the search engine bots follow a method to crawl every page of websites. When search engine bots crawl websites, they go from one link to another to cover the entire website. 


Indexing – Crawling is like gathering stones from the riverside and putting it in a basket. However, to differentiate between the stones according to their value, it is essential to sort the collection and segregate the types of stones. Indexing is the method of segregating the data gathered from crawling the websites. When data remains organized well in Google's repository, it becomes easy for search engines to match it against relevant search queries and present the most appropriate result. To ensure that Google takes note of your website, you must ensure that the indexing is proper. The Google Search Console has tools that help you understand if the indexing of the web pages has been done correctly. 

Rendering – Having done crawling and indexing, Google takes the next step known as rendering. During this phase, Google starts presenting the search results, and your content could find a place in the SERP, depending on the quality of indexing. 


The better the indexing, the higher the chances of your content appearing in the upper ranks of the search results. Rendering provides equal opportunities for websites and search engines, as both have the common goal to make your content visible and usable to viewers. 


Improving the website speed or page loading times is also a part of technical SEO by addressing hosting and server issues that can make websites speedier. Hence, identifying and removing duplicate content, providing structured data, and ensuring better website security come within the ambit of technical SEO. 


Setting up a website is no mean feat. Your website is what your customers look for first. Hence, create the right strategy to improve the strengths of a proper business website. It is significant to keep the website formatted. Therefore, technical SEO is more about improving the performance of a site. It makes the code effective and clean. Within the ambit of technical SEO comes website functionality, indexation, performance, and crawlability.

Need Help in your SEO?


We at Sweven Services have the best seo consultants that can guide you through enhancing your online presence.

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