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Tips from the experts on building your e-business

Tips from the experts on building your e-business


How to successfully build an e-business?

To start a business on a positive note you need to focus on brand building and customer engagement. For that, you must create an online identity for your online business. An online identity should match your physical entity if you have one. Your digital persona must include a brand name, logo and online presence. For the online presence make sure you are present on Instagram and Facebook. Make sure you also build a well optimized website for users to find you on Google.

Recently the majority of consumers are using mobile rather than desktop. For that, businesses need to reach out to clients using a convenient e-business model. The model must ensure higher customer engagement, traffic flow. It also needs to generate more leads with higher prospects of conversions.

It is doable to start an e-business in Dubai. You just need a company that provides digital marketing services in Dubai . The experts of the company will make it easy for you to start the business on a firm footing.


The fundamentals for an online business are the same as a traditional business. However, it includes some unique steps to match the online business model. First, It is essential to carry out a due diligence report like any other traditional business to learn the feasibility of the business. Second, you must ensure that there is a ready market for selling the products or services. Third, you must have a clear idea about the type of consumers to target. There should be  a steady demand for the products or services. Last, the product or service must convey some value to consumers.


Whatever the product or service you're offering, it must be a solution to an existing problem. You should understand that you need to provide a solution for which visitors are ready to pay. Market research is the key here. It will allow you to know exactly what the end goal is. Furthermore, it will allow you to create a business plan according to the business model . You will know the resources required and the steps to follow. 


As a business owner, what you need to know are the followings:

1- Do I have a product/service that has an existing market?

2-Is it responding to a current problem people are facing?

3-Do I know who I want to target for my future campaigns?

4- Who is my ideal client?

5- Do I have a set budget for future digital marketing action plans? If yes, how much is my monthly budget?

6-Am I ready to go digital or am I too scared?

7-Am I ready to hire a professional to do my online marketing?

The last point is a very important criteria. You need to understand that going online does not mean opening an account on social media. It is much more than that. You need to fulfill several aspects to succeed. For that, you need to hire a  creative digital marketing agency in dubai


What Will this agency do?

If you hire the correct digital marketing agency in uae you will get all the essentials done. These include:


1-Create a website 


website with a resposive design graphics


Creating a solid website is the first step to starting an online business. The website not only becomes the online identity of your business but might also turn into a brand in due course. The website should - be attractive, well-designed, and aesthetically pleasing. It should also be friendly to users and search engines. For that you need a UX/UI specialist and an SEO specialist.


The website will become the launching pad for your branding campaign. And, with help from a reputable branding services in Dubai you will be able to generate more traffic. The website should have the features necessary to carry out business activities online. Whether the website is only for marketing and branding or includes selling products and services you must ensure its high visibility and better consumer engagement by implementing SEO.


2-Launch an SEO campaign



Online marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) go hand-in-hand. Therefore, you must hire the best SEO agency in Dubai that does full SEO for your business.

SEO experts deal with a full on optimization on your website. This includes enhancing SEO score for every single page alone. They can also help execute your marketing and branding content optimization. Search engine optimization, done correctly, ensures high visibility of the business. Also, it increases brand awareness that helps drive organic traffic to the website.

A properly executed SEO strategy helps develop a customer base that keeps growing. Moreover, you must choose the best web hosting service to ensure a fast loading website. Speed is a big factor for Google. So not only it lowered the bounce rate but also improved SEO score.

An SEO will handle 3 aspects of your website:

1- On-page SEO: which is related to content

2-Off-page SEO: which is related to backlinks and domain authority

3-Technical SEO: That is any potential technical issue that  could be leading google bots to not see your pages.


3-Launch a PPC campaign



Implementing PPC or Pay-per-click advertising works very well for driving more traffic to a brand-new website very quickly and popularizing the brand.   


4-Build your socials and branding



A graphic design agency dubai based will have an expert graphic designer that handles your socials. He or she will be responsible for designing content posts for you and stories. Obviously, this all depends on the package you chose. Make sure to discuss the packages available and the different services you will be needing


5-Develop a close relationship with customers



Having the opt-in feature for your website is a strong invitation to prospective customers to engage closely with the business. It's also a way to obtain the consent of customers and subscribers to send them emails that help to get closer to them and earn their confidence.  Launching an email marketing campaign signals the beginning of a transparent relationship with your existing and prospective customers which goes a long way to provide good business returns. Gaining customer confidence is paramount for developing marketing strategies that help to add value to the customer experience throughout their lifetime. 



To succeed in online business, the above steps should help in developing a core, niche customer base that is passionate, enthusiastic about your business, and eager to lap up the personalized products that you offer. Once you establish the benchmarks of business, success is all about customer experience and service.


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