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Reasons for investing in SEO to Grow Your Business

Your website is not working for you if you find that your business is not ranking high in the search results.

Reasons for investing in SEO to Grow Your Business


Reasons for investing in SEO to Grow Your Business


Your website is not working for you if you find that your business is not ranking high in the search results. It is a situation that calls for a better understanding of the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and how proper strategies and methods rightfully implemented bring about positive results.


To thrive on the digital medium and reach out to the vast online audience, one needs to have a robust online presence. Google alone accounts for more than 50% of the web traffic, and investing in SEO means one has a powerful tool at their disposal.  


Investing in SEO can be one of the best strategies one can make. Google alone processes about 3.60 billion searches per day. With such a massive search volume, there is no doubt that a website, no matter how optimized it is, can get lost in the crowd. Thus, it is imperative to have tools that can get more traffic organically to your business. 


Traffic is nothing but leads converted into sales by using other complementing strategies. 


Reasons for investing in SEO to grow your business


Social Media marketing has limitations


Everyone is aware that social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are hot. They do play a role in marketing efforts, but it is not enough. Though Google accounts for 50% of traffic generation, the same social media platforms account for only 5% of traffic. They are great for brand awareness or better customer relationships, but that is about all. It does not drive traffic to your website that generates leads and conversions. Google recognizes only quantifiable data in its search algorithms. Since Google does not have access to any social media metrics, it disconnects itself. To rank highly on a search engine, one, therefore, needs an SEO strategy. 


It is not expensive to invest in SEO 

There is a misconception that SEO is expensive. It is a relative term and not the truth, generally speaking. It is surprising but to get to the top of rankings, you need not have a budget because you cannot reach the top by paying through it. It is simple. Instead, SEO is all about the time and expertise that the Best SEO Services Agency Dubai can bring to the table. Even if it means spending, it is not about ads but authenticity, which only SEO can bring about. It is your website that ranks, not your promotional messages. Spending on SEO services should not be treated as a cost but as an investment that pays of in the long run. 


No short cuts in Business 

Indeed, SEO cannot give instant results. But that does it mean it is ineffective. It takes an average of 3-6 months to see a tangible increase in web traffic for the effect of SEO. SEO is a long-term strategy, and it is good to be slow and steady. If you are looking for faster results, instead of abandoning SEO, consider Social Media Advertising Services. Paid SEM ads can complement relevant keywords and improve the rankings of your business website. 


One can beat the competition 

One can get bogged down after seeing competition using your business's relevant keywords and ranking highly. However, one can always start and move up and compete healthily. Knowing the keywords used by competition is half the battle won. An SEO Company in Dubai can help by researching and using competitive SEO tactics to beat them. With mobile usages increasing, it is more significant for small businesses to use local SEO to put their business on the radar of local customers for quick conversions.


It is best to avoid an SEO agency that promises guaranteed SEO results in a specific time frame. Many of them may use black Hat tactics like buying likes and views for immediate results but end up getting your website penalized. 


Despite the slow and long-drawn game of SEO, one should not ignore the potential of this digital marketing channel. Instead, one should look for Digital Marketing Services in Dubaisuch as Sweven Services, who can be transparent right at the beginning regarding the techniques, process, methodology used, along pricing. Getting a partner committed to laying the foundation for long-term effects and sustainable business growth should be what one should look out for. Get in touch with us.


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