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How to shortlist a marketing agency in Dubai for 2023?

Finding a good digital marketing agency can be very hard, so here is all the essentials on How to shortlist a marketing agency in Dubai for 2023.


How to shortlist a marketing agency in Dubai for 2023?


In recent years, Dubai has transitioned from a traditional business hub to a technology hub in the Middle East. As more businesses embrace digital marketing to stay competitive, this growth was expected.

This led to enormous growth of digital marketing services and agencies.These agencies have given rise to new business strategies which have catapulted their business beyond borders.


Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to target consumers and earn their trust.The growth of digital marketing agencies in Dubai has led to an increase in the number of online marketing solutions. Over the past decade, the number of local and international companies has touched the sky in this booming city. As a result, there are now more than 1400 online marketing agencies in Dubai offering diverse solutions for businesses at all levels


The technological advancements and increasing use of technologies has led to the formation of more digital marketing agencies in Dubai. The increase in competition has made it necessary for businesses to stay ahead of their competitors. So, this brings us to this question, what do I need to know in order to shortlist digital marketing agencies efficiently and effectively?

a potential client discussing with a digital marketer

The Main rules:

1- They offer a friendly website solution (Responsive design)

By a friendly website solution we are talking about a responsive design solution. With responsive design, you can build one website that displays beautifully on all devices, from phones to tablets to desktop computers. Responsive design is an approach to building websites that is focused on creating websites that look good and function well across multiple devices.


Responsive design is a type of web design that uses flexible, fluid layouts to provide optimized viewing across a range of devices (from mobile phones to tablets to desktop computers). Responsive Web Design, or “RWD,” allows your site to adapt itself to the size of the device it is being viewed on, so that each visitor experiences your site perfectly. Any reputable website design company in dubai will know the best practice rules of the latest websites. They should also be providing a smooth user experience and a friendly mobile experience.


2- They understand the latest marketing necessities

With the ever changing trends and technologies, marketers should be careful of what marketing strategies to implement in the future. If a company wants to stay relevant for years to come, they need to understand what marketing strategies to follow in 2023. So when you’re having a conversation with any digital marketing agency in uae make sure to ask them the following questions:


1- Do you offer branding services in dubai? Brading is no longer about making a logo and choosing colors for the company and just go with it. It is about telling a story. Your brand story. Branding has always been here but within these few years, the concept has evolved and is more focused on than ever before.

Branding services allow you to curate your content the way you want. It allows corporate executives and marketing professionals to strengthen their messaging and make an impact online, by providing them with the tools they need to develop a consistent brand image as well as engage with consumers.

Branded content gives your brand a voice, which can differ from time to time. Keep your message fresh by creating new images and messaging in real-time that resonates with your current audience.


2- Do you still have outdoor marketing in dubai? The truth is people forget with this growing technology the importance of outdoor advertising. By implementing an effective outdoor strategy, your business will stand out from the crowd and help to secure new leads.

As we know people are more likely to forget about the product or service after seeing it on the internet. The main challenge for businesses is to get their products seen and remembered by customers.

The truth is that they do not need to go far away to look for the billboard, they can be found in front of them. In addition, it has been proven that people remember commercial products that are advertised on billboards more than anywhere else.


3- Do you offer Google Ads?

Having a knowledgeable Google ads agency in dubai is very useful for your company. As a highly competitive business,you need to spend more time on developing strategies and marketing plans that convert your business into a profitable one.

You can advertise all kinds of products and services with these ads and increase the amount of customers who visit your website, increase the amount of followers on social media, or even gather more comments on your blog or articles.

Google ads agencies in Dubai are really the best. They will help you reach your promotion goals with their excellent ads strategy, which helps increase traffic to your website or landing page. 


4-Do they offer facebook advertising services? There was a time where marketers started reducing their work on Facebook due to the incline in profitable markets and targeted audience. However, lately it’s gaining back massive popuarity.Facebook advertising is an important marketing strategy that shouldn't be neglected. If you're looking to boost brand awareness, engage your audience and increase traffic to your website, a Facebook ad campaign can help you achieve these goals.If you are struggling to grow your business, you may be overlooking this important marketing strategy. Facebook is an incredibly powerful marketing tool that can make your business soar. It's the perfect place to target customers and develop leads, gain followers, and establish brand awareness.


3-Deep understanding of SEO

SEO is the process of increasing the amount of traffic you receive from search engines such as Google and Yahoo. There are a lot of different factors that can increase your ranking, and we will work with you to identify these key areas within your business. Most businesses already have some technical aspects in place but what they may not realize is that their online presence should be much more than just a website - it should be a reflection of who they are and what they do.

SEO is an important process for any business that wants to market itself on the web. It refers to the act of getting your website ranked higher in search engine results pages, so that it shows up beside or above other search results. Some agencies claim to know SEO as for them it would just be around keywords and content creation. But that’s not entirely true. The best seo company in dubai understands that SEO requires knowledge about how search engines work, including how they index and rank pages, as well as how people actually interact with search engines.


The success of a business strategy depends on having the right mix of services. A  creative digital marketing agency in dubai should have all these services and more, to meet your every need. At the most basic level, a successful agency should have all of these services and more. Depending on your industry, strategies for many of these things can be different to other businesses  while others might be similar – but they all give you a competitive advantage that allows you to get ahead of your competition.


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