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Hiring the Top PPC/Google Ads Agency in Dubai for 2022

An effective way to increase conversions is to take the help of a full-service digital agency in Dubai that specializes in PPC Services.

Hiring the Top PPCGoogle Ads Agency in Dubai for 2022 (2)

One of the best ways to market products or services to prospective online customers is through Google Ads. This highly effective platform is offered by the internet's number one search engine, Google. Google Ads are in great demand for generating leads, increasing sales, and promoting brand awareness.  

So, what are Google Ads and PPC? 

The ads appearing top of each Google search are known as Google Ads. They are paid search ads and usually have an average Click-through- rate (CTR) of 4% - 6%. For every 100 users on Google Search, 4-6 people will click on the Google Ad. The Pay Per Click or PPC on google has an average conversion rate of 3.75% across all the industries. For the display network, it is about 0.77%. Conversion rate, however, varies for different industries. For example, the Dating and Personal industry have a 9.64%  

for search, whereas it is just 1.96% for advocacy. 

So how does one increase conversions? 

An effective way to increase conversions is to take the help of a full-service digital agency in Dubai that specializes in PPC Services. These agencies focus on ROI-based conversions and sales for their clients. They run an effect google Ad and PPC campaigns targeted to double the industry average of 4- 6 % CTR.  

The advertiser on this platform must only pay for clicks on the website calls made to the business. Each click is significant in a PPC as some amount gets deducted from the advertiser's budget

One must partner with the best PPC Agency in Dubai to ensure that an online advertising campaign provides the highest Return on Investment (ROI).

An experienced PPC agency in Dubai will know the strategies required for setting up a PPC campaign. If you are looking to get the most out of your PPC budget in 2022, then ensure your PPC agency implements the following:

•  The advertising campaign is structured properly

• The target audience in the campaign is right 

• Sufficient budget for the campaign

• Right keywords are targeted

• creative ad copies and extensions are there in the campaign

• CTR is effective, and the conversion rate is high

PPC marketing, though, has a proven track record with data showing an average advertiser doubles their ROI. However, this does not suggest that effective conversion is easy. It takes months for the campaign to deliver results, and often campaigns are tweaked when results do not come about. 

Google Adwords agency in Dubai like Sweven Services will use some of the following strategies to double the PPC conversion rate.

·         Google Ads Search Campaign

·         Google ads App Campaign

·         Google Ads Display Campaign

·         Google Ads Re-targeting Campaign

·         Google Ads Store Visit Campaign

·         Google Ads Shopping Campaign

·         Google Ads Video Campaign

The effective use of keywords by google ads agency in Dubai

Keywords are pivotal to any successful marketing campaign. The money goes down the drain; if the right keywords are not bid for. For example, if a business sells boys' sneakers but uses keywords that target girls' sneakers, the entire campaign will be a failure. An experienced and reliable Google ads agency will do proper research on keywords relevant to one's business and products and select the most trending keywords. For this, the agencies use Google Keyword planner and other tools to choose effective keywords. 

Use effective Headline

A significant element of a PPC ad is the Headline. It is essential because it makes the first impression on a viewer. A good agency will ensure that ad headlines are catchy and written in a language the audience understands. If the ad is understood, the viewer will click on the ad. Agencies use a Headline analyzer to test and rework them if needed, making them useful for a PPC ad campaign.

Landing pages 

Agencies that run ads for different segments will ensure viewers land on the right page after they click on the Ad. A company will have several products and services, so it is crucial to land on the right page. Targeted landing helps to increase conversions as they take minimum time to address a user's needs.



As an expert in online marketing services, Dubai will use contextual targeting techniques to bid for high-visibility ad placements. They use managed placement techniques that allow the ads to get displayed on certain pages, apps, blogs, and mobile websites, for effective conversions. 

Reach Out To Sweven Services